Statement regarding ATP SA’s purpose
17 August 2009
It has come to our attention that there is a misunderstanding about what ATP SA (Association of Test Publishers of SA) stands for.
We are a group of test publishers who are committed to promoting the benefits of best practices in testing and the value of these benefits to society. We are dedicated to achieving the highest levels of professionalism and business ethics within the test publishing community. ATP SA is a non-profit association constituted to represent providers of tests and assessment tools and/or services related to education, employment, certification/licensing or clinical uses in South Africa. We are keen to communicate and share ideas with all our stakeholders. We will endeavour to get an understanding of what the needs of test users are and how we can improve our services to serve society better.
Please browse our website or contact our co-ordinating committee if you have any questions. We would welcome any opportunity to discuss issues regarding our activities with you.